What does xcube.bio offer?
4 pillars of market-entry
Decision support
What key decisions drive commercial success? We help biopharma innovators make the right calls through market insights, ad hoc analysis, and experience sharing from a wide range of experts – from supply to finance, from pricing to patient advocacy. Xcube.bio’s network of experts is selected for their hands-on experience because, beyond advisory, we aim to deliver concrete decision support.

Expansion equity
Biopharma innovators don’t have to bear all the risks. Expanding the commercial footprint is a massive endeavor with an uncertain outcome. We provide expansion equity to bridge the commercial gap as a co-financing partner. Xcube.bio operates with ‘skin in the game,’ ensuring our unwavering commitment to success.

Bridge management
It is all about execution. However, committing resources, competencies, and time to oversee all the details of a commercial expansion might not always be within the innovator’s capability. Xcube.bio includes flexible and integrated commercial management to provide dedicated commercial capabilities. We ‘build together’ until the commercial process reaches maturity.